Battersea Power Station

The project aims to create a mixed-use development spanning over 8 million square feet.

It will feature a new neighbourhood, a business quarter and public spaces.

The £9 billion project includes the restoration of the Grade II listed Power Station*.

The development is divided into eight phases, each designed by specialist architects.

Notable architects involved include SimpsonHaugh and Partners, De Rijke Marsh Morgan (dRMM), WilkinsonEyre, Foster + Partners and Gehry Partners.

Circus West Village (Phase 1) is already completed, housing residents, bars, restaurants and leisure facilities.

The Power Station (Phase 2) opened in October 2022, featuring Apple’s London Campus, shops, cinema, food hall and homes.

When complete the development will host 25,000 people, creating a major office, retail, leisure and cultural hub.

The site will include 250+ shops, cafes, restaurants, a theater, hotel, medical center and 19 acres of public space along the riverfront.

The Battersea Power Station will also become a new office district with over 3 million sq. ft of commercial space.

A1 were first engaged to design, manufacture and install a temporary 70m tall free-standing chimney so the existing iconic chimneys could be demolished and rebuilt whilst maintaining operational boilers for the local residential apartments.

Facts at A Glance

Facts at a glance Client name: Vital Energi Product Deltavent , Over 2.5Km of Twin Wall Stainless Steel Flues Project Value: £3.5m Time to complete: 122 weeks Location: London